Klein's Absolute Invariant


Let and be periods of a doubly periodic function, with the half-period ratio a number with . Then Klein's absolute invariant (also called Klein's modular function) is defined as


where and are the invariants of the Weierstrass elliptic function with modular discriminant


(Klein 1877). If , where H is the upper half-plane, then


is a function of the ratio only, as are , , and . Furthermore, , , , and are analytic in H (Apostol 1997, p. 15).

Klein's absolute invariant is implemented in Mathematica as KleinInvariantJ[tau].

The function is the same as the j-function, modulo a constant multiplicative factor.

Every rational function of J is a modular function, and every modular function can be expressed as a rational function of J (Apostol 1997, p. 40).

Klein's invariant can be given explicitly by


(Klein 1878/79, Cohn 1994), where is the elliptic lambda function

is a Jacobi theta function, the are Ramanujan-Eisenstein series, and q is the nome. Klein's invariant can also be simply expressed in terms of the five Weber functions , , , , and .

is invariant under a unimodular transformation, so


and is a modular function. takes on the special values


satisfies the functional equations


It satisfies a number of beautiful multiple-argument identities, including the duplication formula



and the Dedekind eta function, the triplication formula


and the quintuplication formula


Plotting the real or imaginary part of in the complex plane produces a beautiful fractal-like structure illustrated above.


Elliptic Lambda Function, j-Function, Jacobi Theta Functions, Pi, Ramanujan-Eisenstein Series, Weber Functions


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Brezhnev, Y. V. "Uniformisation: On the Burnside Curve ." 9 Dec 2001. http://arxiv.org/abs/math.CA/0111150/.

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Cohn, H. Introduction to the Construction of Class Fields. New York: Dover, p. 73, 1994.

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