Portions of this entry contributed by Margherita Barile
The smallest positive composite number and the first even perfect square. Four is the smallest even number appearing in a Pythagorean triple: 3, 4, 5. In the numerology of the Pythagorean school, it was the number of justice. The sacred tetraktýs (10) was the sum of the first four numbers, depicted as a triangle with two equal sides of length 4.
4 is the highest degree for which an algebraic equation is always solvable by radicals. It is the smallest order of a field which is not a prime field, and the smallest order for which there exist two nonisomorphic finite groups (finite group C2xC2 and the cyclic group C4). It is the smallest number of faces of a regular polyhedron, the tetrahedron. In the three-dimensional Euclidean space, there is exactly one sphere passing through four noncoplanar points. Four is the number of dimensions of space-time.
Words related to number four are indicated by the Greek prefix tetra (e.g., tetromino) or by the Latin
prefix quadri- (e.g., quadrilateral). However, the prefix quadri- it also very commonly used to
denote objects involving the number 2. This is the case because quadratum is the Latin word for
square, and since the area of a square of side length x is given by
Burkhardt Quartic, Connect-Four, Diophantine Equation--4th Powers, Euler Quartic Conjecture, Four Coins Problem, Four-Color Theorem, Four Conics Theorem, Four-Dimensional Geometry, Four Exponentials Conjecture, Four Lemma, Four Travelers Problem, Four-Vector, Four-Vertex Theorem, Klein Quartic, Lagrange's Four-Square Theorem, Quadratic, Quadrilateral, Quartic Curve, Quartic Equation, Quartic Graph, Quartic Reciprocity Theorem, Quartic Residue, Quartic Surface, Tetrahedron, Tetromino
Wells, D. The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, pp. 55-58, 1986.